01 April 2020
As we all come to terms with the growing challenges of the Coronavirus pandemic, rest assured everGREEN wastewater remains open for business as an essential service.
The safety and wellbeing of our customers, employees and the general community is our priority.
With this in mind, we’ve stepped up preventative hygiene measures in our service centre branches and implemented operational enhancements in alignment with public health authority guidelines to limit employee and customer exposure to the virus.
Our goal is to continue to safely deliver the level of quality, responsiveness and support you have come to expect from everGREEN wastewater.
To protect the safety and wellbeing of yourself, your family & our employees while our technicians are servicing your sewage treatment plant, please observe the government imposed guidelines for social distancing at all times.
If you or anyone in your household is experiencing financial hardship and require personal financial assistance please find the following useful link https://treasury.gov.au/coronavirus/households or for more information contact the Australian Government Emergency Support Infoline on 1800 806 218.
We thank you for your continued support and wish you and your families all the very best health during this period.
Did you know that it is a requirement for ALL service providers (and their staff) of both maintenance and installation services of HSTP’s to be licenced by the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC)? This is actually the law!
It serves to ensure that you as the consumer are covered and insured against faulty workmanship, and that there are no unscrupulous (dodgy) operators touting for your business, potentially leaving you exposed to very expensive rectification work in the event of unlicenced work being completed outside of the required standard.
The following is an excerpt from the QBCC’s information bulletin released recently:
“The QBCC operates as an industry body, administered by the Queensland Government, working to protect public health and safety through Queensland’s plumbing and drainage licencing system. The QBCC is the regulator for the PDA and the Queensland Building and Construction Commission Act 1991 (QBCC Act). … The QBCC issues occupation licences to individuals for work…
These occupational licences do not entitle the holder to contract for work with the public or a builder. If you are as an individual contracting for the abovementioned work and issuing notices to the public/consumer or a builder, you are contracting for work that requires a licence under the QBCC Act an the Queensland Building and Construction Commission Regulation 2003:
– Contracting: Under the QBCC Act a person or company contracting for work with the public or a builder, for either servicing or installation of OSTP’s, requires a QBCC contractor’s licence. Contracting licences are issued for the same classes as QBCC occupational licences mentioned above.”
everGREEN wastewater holds a full QBCC contractor’s licence number 1271384. We guarantee ALL work completed by our company.
If you are unsure of the status of your existing service provider, or have any other questions regarding your rights as a consumer, the QBCC can be contacted on 139 333 or via email at plumbers@qbcc.gld.gov.au .
Did you know that we service the following popular brands of treatment systems?
Aqua-Nova, Biocycle, Biotreat, Biolytix, Bioseptic, Clearwater 90, Dowmus, Earthsafe, Econocycle, Ecosafe, Enviroflow, Envirotech, Envirocycle, Epsom Sand Filter, Fuji Clean, Krystal Kleer, Nature Flow, Nova Clear, Ozzi Kleen, Septech, Supertreat, Taylex, Watertech.
If you’re not sure what brand your system is, or its not listed here, just contact our office and we’ll sort it out for you, or point you in the right direction (our technicians are actually factory trained on many popular brands).